

Our History

The Haralambos & Constantinos Lagos Brothers have been employed in their father’s agricultural business since age eighteen. This agricultural business concentrated on the cultivation of potatoes and watermelons. In 1994 they established the first greenhouse
complex over 2.5 hectares to cultivate premature vegetables and lettuce. In 1998 for the first time they supplied sweet corn to the German market.

” The Lagos Brothers established the LABIDINO LTD Company in 2000 for the standardizing, packaging and trading of their produce, which broadened the range of their products and their sales network both in Greece and abroad.

In 2009, the business became a Limited Company and moved to new privately-owned premises with modern equipment. All our products are produced by applying the code of good agricultural practices and agro-environmental management in accordance with international standard GLOBAL GAP IFA. At our state-of-the-art processing and packaging plant, we apply sophisticated industrial and hygiene practices, according to the German Food Safety Standard IFS, and the new certification standard QS Qualität.